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Vol.17 No.1
Isamu YANAGIDATE, Fransiscus Sramas REMBON, Testushi YOSHIDA, Yoshinori YAMAMOTO, Yulius Barra PASOLON,
Foh Shoon JONG, Albertus Fajar IRAWAN and Akira MIYAZAKI : Studies on Trunk Density and Prediction of
Starch Productivity of Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) : A Case Study of a Cultivated Sago Palm Garden near
Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. p1-8
(柳舘勇・Fransiscus Suramas Rembon・吉田徹志・山本由徳・Yulius Barra Pasolon・Foh Shoon Jong・
Albertus Fajar Irawan・宮崎彰: サゴヤシの樹幹密度とデンプン生産性の予測―インドネシア,南東スラウェシ州
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