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Vol.3, No.2


JONG F.S: Distribution and Variation in the Starch Content of Sago Palms (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.)

at Different Growth Stages. p45-54

(JONG, F.S.:異なる生長段階におけるサゴヤシの澱粉含有量の分布と変異)


西村美彦:インドネシア,南東スラウェシ州の農村と農業 第1報 農村の現状と食生活. p55-61

(NISHIMURA Yoshihiko: Agriculture in the Villages of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia-part 1:

The Inter-Village Variations in Food Production and Consumption)


西村美彦:インドネシア,南東スラウェシ州の農村と農業 第2報 作物栽培の現状とサゴヤシの利用. p62-71

(NISHIMURA Yoshihiko: Agriculture in the Villages of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia-part 2:

The Role of Sago Exploitation in Household and Village Economy)


高橋節子・平尾和子・貝沼圭二:サゴ澱粉の物性と調理特性. p72-82

(TAKAHASHI Setsuko, HIRAO Kazuko and KAINUMA Keiji: Physico-chemical Properties and Cooking Quality of

Sago Starch)


JONG F.S. and KUEH H.S. :Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu) Cultivation :Factors Affecting the Subsequent Survival Rate

of Suckers in the Nursery. p83-91

(JONG, F.S. and KUEH, H.S.:サゴヤシ(Metroxylon sagu)の栽培:苗床における苗の生存率に影響する要因)

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