Vol.18 No.1
Evi GUSMAYANTI , Takemi MACHIDA and Masao YOSHIDA : Specific Leaf Area of Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu)
in Relation to Phenological Stages. p1-5
(エヴィグスマヤンテイ・町田武美・吉田正夫: 異なる生育ステージにおけるサゴヤシの比葉面積)
Fransiscus Suramas REMBON, Ylius Barra PASOLON, Yoshinori YAMAMOTO and Tetsushi YOSHIDA:
Physicochemical Properties of the Soils on Sago-Palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) - Growing Areas around Kendari,
Province of Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. p6-18
(F. S. Rembon・Y. B. Pasolon・山本由徳・吉田徹志: インドネシア、南東スラウェシ州クンダリ周辺における
Mitsuteru IRIE, Ryoji OKAWARA, Akihiro MURANAKA, Makoto HIROTA and Yukuo ABE: Preliminary Survey
on a Comprehensive Biomass Production Plan Utilizing Sago Palm Resources in East Sepik Province,
Papua New Guinea. p19-27
(入江光輝・大川原良次・村中昭弘・広田真・安部征雄: パプアニューギニア国イーストセピック州における
Fransisicus Suramas REMBON, Yulius Barra PASOLON, and Yoshinori YAMAMOTO : Effects of Soil Types and
Water Regimes on the Early Growth of Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu Rottb.) Seedings. p28-40
(F. S. Rembon・Y. B. Pasolon・山本由徳: サゴヤシ実生苗の初期生育に及ぼす土壌の種類と水分条件の影響)
Yoshinori YAMAMOTO, Kazuki OMORI, Akira MIYAZAKI and Tetsushi YOSHIDA : Changes in the Composition
and Content of Sugars in the Pith during the Growth of Sago Palm. p41-43
(山本由徳・大森一輝・宮崎 彰・吉田徹志: 樹齢に伴うサゴヤシ髄部の糖の種類と含有率の変化)
Masanori OKAZAKI: The World of Starch. p44-45
(岡崎正規: 澱粉の世界)
第19回講演会報告要旨. P47-68
(Abstract of the 19th Annual Conference. p47-68)